Personal Growth

The importance of living a life that’s in alignment with your core values

July 16, 2021

Right from the day we are born, the world floods us with messages about who we should be in order to survive and thrive, but In actual fact, the same advice is not correct for everybody. We all have a vision of what we want from our lives, big or small, we all have our […]

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Hi, I'm Kiera.

I am the founder of Rise Alchemy Coaching, and KLMA Makeup Academy and am an award winning entrepreneur, trauma-informed coach and healer.


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Right from the day we are born, the world floods us with messages about who we should be in order to survive and thrive, but In actual fact, the same advice is not correct for everybody.

We all have a vision of what we want from our lives, big or small, we all have our own ideals.

The thing about success is it isn’t the same for each of us, nor should it be. The important thing is to get clear on what it means to you and then create a life or business that aligns with YOUR goals and values

And I think as a coach one of the biggest things with clients is helping them get really clear on defining THEIR version of success, so not their parents, societies or a version they think they should have.

The trouble is for most people they know what they want but may not be AWARE of what they want, so they may not be aware of what’s actually important to them, and that’s where it becomes helpful to really know your values.

You see this most commonly in areas like relationships and work.

So like if you aren’t enjoying your job, it’s either that you are working out of the wrong skill set OR probably most likely, the role isn’t aligning with your core values.

For example, if you’re a person that values integrity and you are selling something you don’t believe in, or if you value family and spending time with your kids but you’re working 90 hours a week – neither of these things are going to make you feel good.

But when things are aligned with your values they flow.

Values become good pillars for big decisions and the directions we want to steer our lives in. And If you’re asking about “how do I find my purpose” which is one of these big questions so many people speculate in life.

When we break it down, finding your purpose is actually a lot simpler than what we think, at the core, it’s about understanding what you love and what your values are, then aligning your life to live in support of that.

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