
Why imposter syndrome is actually a huge nudge from the universe (in the right direction)!

July 1, 2021

Imposter syndrome is almost an internal experience of believing that you aren’t good enough or as competent as others may perceive. I guess it’s feeling like a fraud or like you don’t belong on the mental level. It can show up a few different ways, probably the most common to identify are: through perfectionism, fixating […]

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Hi, I'm Kiera.

I am the founder of Rise Alchemy Coaching, and KLMA Makeup Academy and am an award winning entrepreneur, trauma-informed coach and healer.


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Imposter syndrome is almost an internal experience of believing that you aren’t good enough or as competent as others may perceive. I guess it’s feeling like a fraud or like you don’t belong on the mental level.

It can show up a few different ways, probably the most common to identify are:

  • through perfectionism, fixating on flaws and always feeling like you can do better
  • inferiority to others or comparison
  • being an expert, always feeling like you want to learn more, but under-rating your own expertise ever though your highly skilled
  • through setting lofty goals for yourself but then feeling crushed if you don’t succeed on your first try
  • rejecting help from others because you see it as a sign of weakness.

For me, I realised that it was showing up through perfectionism and a fear of being seen. So – in my business, filming tutorials and wanting to have everything perfect in a programme before I can launch it. I actually found I was procrastinating because of my own high standards and judging myself like who’s going to want to hear what I have to say or who’s going to want to watch my video.

And it’s funny, the Universe is one heck of a talented designer… it crafts every single situation that you find yourself in as the perfect set-up for you to become the next level version of you.

You are set up to ascend – we all are!

 I remember when this fear of being seen came up for me I knew at my core I either step forward into growth, or backwards into safety.

So, do I want the things I dream about or not?

Because if I want them, they are on the other side of these limiting beliefs, thoughts or actions and I only I get to decide if I overcome them.

Imposter syndrome is just a part of being human and it’s going to pop up every time you lean in or step into a new growth edge.

Don’t be afraid to evolve and choose who you want to BE at each new level.

So, when it comes up. Embrace it and just know it’s a signpost from the universe that you are growing.

And I’m biased but I believe growth should always be celebrated.

We are meant to GROW and evolve, to make shifts and move through the glass ceilings in our lives.

This human realm is all about learning, its earth school and we get to uncover and test out what is and isn’t really “us” so we can become who we are meant to BE all along.

Our life lessons and experiences are our soul’s curriculum and are where we can learn to build trust and connect with others and who we really are.

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