Personal Growth

The gift of being multifaceted – why it’s selfish to hide your authenticity and gifts!

July 6, 2021

Authenticity is, at heart, the idea that we should make the way we behave on the outside match what we feel on the inside.  Be yourself — not your idea of what you think somebody else’s idea of yourself should be.  When you accept the true essence of who you are and show up authentically, it becomes […]

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I am the founder of Rise Alchemy Coaching, and KLMA Makeup Academy and am an award winning entrepreneur, trauma-informed coach and healer.


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Authenticity is, at heart, the idea that we should make the way we behave on the outside match what we feel on the inside. 

Be yourself — not your idea of what you think somebody else’s idea of yourself should be. 

When you accept the true essence of who you are and show up authentically, it becomes a game changer. 

You don’t encounter as many obstacles because the Universe doesn’t need to redirect you all the time & you welcome in unseen forces to help naturally guide and move your life forwards. The things that are meant for you can finally find you, because you’re thinking and being from a place that is true to you. If you imagine the universe as a big jigsaw puzzle, when you’re being your true self you take the shape you were meant to be and so you can slot in with the other things that were meant.

Our soul wants us to be in our own unapologetic, radiant flow. Not copying what someone else is doing or feeling like we must live up to a societal standard that drains our energy.

This is a good point to mention manifestations; WhenEVER you’re wanting something and it’s just. not. coming to you, it’s always because you’re not being true to your authentic nature.

I think so many of us have forgotten that we are meant to be fully expressed on the human plane. We all have our own unique gifts and talents that are meant to be shared with the world. When we aren’t being true to who we are, we hold back, we stay small and instead of sharing them, we end up keeping our gifts hidden.

Actually, this is one of the most selfish things we can ever do!

Because not only are you depriving yourself of feeling in alignment with your own truth, which is part of your reason for being here, but you actually deprive the world of your magic.

It not only diminishes you and others, but you miss out on the joy of sharing, the uplifting feeling of making a difference, and the self-improvement that naturally comes from practicing what you do best.

You see It doesn’t matter how you bring your gifts to light; it matters that you do.

Sharing who you are enriches everyone.

There isn’t a person on the planet that doesn’t have something they can enrich the lives of others with. Whether it’s your smile, sense of humour, your creativity or entrepreneurial skills, you offer something that can enhance the world.

And if you think about life, it’s been so impeccably designed – the things that FEEL good to us have been intrinsically mapped out that way to guide us into our highest alignment.

The way you’d secretly like to do it IS THE WAY the universe wants you to do it – that’s why it made it appealing to you. 

Walking someone else’s path will never be the long-term solution to our own magic and power. The universe will always push us to be original.

You can trust that when you follow what makes you feel good it will bring you exactly where you need to be.

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