Self Love

Self Love Habits to Adopt in your Day to Day Routine

July 14, 2021

Did you know that you’re amazing? You’re capable of anything you put your mind to! It’s important not to forget that. Does receiving compliments or showering yourself with love feel unfamiliar?  The way we’re speaking to you today is the way you should speak to yourself on a daily basis – cementing self-love and personal […]

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Hi, I'm Kiera.

I am the founder of Rise Alchemy Coaching, and KLMA Makeup Academy and am an award winning entrepreneur, trauma-informed coach and healer.


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Did you know that you’re amazing? You’re capable of anything you put your mind to! It’s important not to forget that.

Does receiving compliments or showering yourself with love feel unfamiliar? 

The way we’re speaking to you today is the way you should speak to yourself on a daily basis – cementing self-love and personal appreciation into your day to day routine.

After a difficult year of change and isolation, self love is more important than ever. When we practice self love, we don’t just feel amazing but also ensure that we are making healthy choices for our day-to-day lifestyle. The way we feel about ourselves can affect every decision we eventually make and alter the course of our personal life path.

Self-love can be practiced in many forms: whether that’s through daily positive affirmations, putting yourself first, or by setting healthy boundaries. If you’re struggling with where to start when it comes to adopting self-love into your daily routine – here are some habits we would recommend…

  1. Find Beauty in the Simple Things

If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that we shouldn’t take life for granted. By taking a step back and enjoying all the small things that life has to offer – we can form a greater appreciation for ourselves and the life that we live. 

  • A great way to implement this could be by following daily journal prompts. Perhaps start the morning writing down 3 things you want to achieve today, before reflecting on this in the evening. You could also make a list each day of the different things in life that you are grateful for. 
  1. Meditate

Taking anything from 5 minutes out of your day to meditate can be a great way to practice self love and get in tune with your thoughts. Starting the day with a clean, quiet mind can boost productivity and lower stress levels.

  • There are many different apps that provide guided Meditation or you could find videos for free on platforms like YouTube or Tiktok.
  1. Carving out time for YOU

Often in a busy week we can get so caught up in our work or social agendas that we forget to prioritise ourselves. Try and make a point of carving out some time for you in your calendar. Even if it’s just five minutes – we are all able to make time for ourselves if we really make a point of it.

  • If you are unsure of how to spend your ‘You’ time, here are a few of our favourite suggestions: read a chapter of a book, watch an episode of your favourite show, dance to some of your favourite songs, bake something nice, or even go out for a short walk and listen to a podcast.
  1. Try and Unplug When You Can

In today’s digital era, taking a step back from our screens seems virtually impossible! However, unplugging and unwinding from your electronics is one of the nicest things you can do for yourself. You could then use this time to practice one of the activities we suggested above!

  • If you’re struggling to switch off the electronics, try playing around with the screen time and app limit settings in your phone. This way you can hold yourself accountable!
  1. Nourish Yourself

Eating, drinking and sleeping well are the most simple but most vital forms of self-love there is. Combining a good night’s sleep with physical activity and eating well can also lead to an increase in self-esteem and help you to feel good.

  • If you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep, try and structure a night time routine that allows you to relax and unwind before you go to bed. Avoid phones or tv screens directly before bed and unwind with a book or podcast.


We hope these tips will help you on your journey to feeling self-love all day, everyday. 

If you’re struggling with where to start when it comes to adopting self-love into your daily routine, I’m running the perfect workshop for you.

My Bloom workshop will leave you feeling inspired, empowered and equipped with tools to learn how to love yourself the way you deserve.

You see, That person, place and thing you are searching for is YOU…

🌸BLOOM – Virtual Self Love Workshop 🌹

📅 Date: Wednesday 21st July 2021, 7-9pm, online via Zoom

Book your space here!

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